Future Concerts

7.30pm SATURDAY 12th April 2025

St Saviour’s Church
25 Sandpit Lane
St Albans AL1 4DF

Voix de Vivre
Neil MacKenzie
musical director
Andrew Blankfield piano
Jennifer Wigram violin
Jan Palmer Sayer & Des Turner readers

Shakespeare in verse and song

Blow, blow, thou winter wind                        Thomas Arne
O mistress mine                                                   Herbert Murrill
Come away death
Sigh no more, ladies                                            Ernest Moeran
Four Shakespeare Songs                                   Jaakko Mäntyjärvi
Come away, death
Double, double, toil & trouble
Full Fathom Five
Ophelia’s lament                                                 Paul Mealor
O mistress mine                                                  
Nancy Wertsch
Fear no more                                                        
Stephen Sondheim
Orpheus with his lute                                        
William Schuman
It was a lover and his lass                                
John Rutter
The cloud-capp’d towers                                  
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Serenade to Music                                              

If we shadows have offended                        
Bernard Hughes


Tickets £18.00, students/unwaged £5.00

7:30 pm Saturday 28th June 2025

Dagnall Street Baptist Church
1 Cross St
St Albans AL3 5EE

music for a summer’s eve

More information to follow


7:30 pm Saturday 6th December 2025
St Peter’s Church
Peter’s Street
St Albans AL1 3HG

More information to follow